Calendar: Public Training Courses
The list below includes only the courses that we offer in English.
To see all the courses that we offer in other languages, please switch to the
french version of this page.
Please register using the form below.
Our prices include printed documentation, all coffee breaks, lunch and exam fees (where applicable).
Course Title | Language | Location | Start | Duration | Price (CHF) | Remarks |
Project Management Fundamentals (PMI and IPMA) | EN | in-house only | anytime | 2-3 d | depends on the number of participants | Project management training for all employees who need to understand how projects work: Project managers, project team members and future project leaders – and all collaborators from R&D, IT, purchasing, logistics, marketing that contribute to projects. The course is fully compatible to the PMI PMBOK and to the IPMA ICB. |
Project Management Practitioner | EN | in-house only | anytime | 1-2 d | depends on the number of participants | Workshop for advanced project managers who have already acquired on experience in leading and executing projects and want to expand their knowledge and skills. We focus on communication and negotiation, change management and the challenges of managing multi-cultural and international teams in complex environments. |
Eight disciplines problem solving | EN | in-house only | anytime | 2 d | depends on the number of participants | 8D is an approach to resolve production problems. It is focused on process improvement and aims to identify, correct and eradicate recurring problems at the source. |
Quality Management and ISO 9001 | EN | in-house only | anytime | 1 d | depends on the number of participants | Includes ISO 9001:2015, risk management, 'context of the organisation' and ... many tips and tricks from and experienced auditor. |
Internal Audit | EN | in-house only | anytime | 1 d | depends on the number of participants | Practical and pragmatic tools and techniques. Covers risk management, 'context of the organisation' and ... dealing with external auditors ;-) |
Practical Risk Management | EN | in-house only | anytime | 1 d | depends on the number of participants | Fundamentals and application of strategic and operational Risk Management, explained in a pragmatic, down-to-earth manner. Covers also the particularities of ISO 9001:2015. |
Time management, not only for managers | EN | in-house only | anytime | 1 d | depends on the number of participants | Setting the right priorities, managing time and achiving your objectives: a training course for managers and their employees. |
Power Speech® - Stop Presenting. Start Performing. | EN | in-house only | anytime | 3 d | depends on the number of participants | Preparation and practice of successful presentations. 3 full days with individual video feedback. |
Power Speech® Executive | EN | in-house only | anytime | 1 d | 2400 | Power Speech® on steroids: a fast-paced, deep, high-intensity, one-day, one-on-one coaching that will improve your way to present and convince. Get 20% off by paying at least 3 months in advance. |
Project Management for Managers | EN | in-house only | anytime | 1 d | depends on the number of participants | In many companies there is a significant difference between the expectations of top management and the reality of the project managers in the field. This new, concise and highly interactive one-day training provides an overview and systematic understanding of modern project management. |
e-learning Project Management Fundamentals | EN DE FR | online | anytime | 12 h | 595 | e-learning. |
e-learning Project Management Advanced | EN DE FR | online | anytime | 18 h | 595 | e-learning. |
e-learning Project Management Team Leader | EN DE FR | online | anytime | 12 h | 595 | e-learning. |
e-learning Project Scheduling | EN DE FR | online | anytime | 12 h | 595 | e-learning. |